Evening Schedule

7:00 – 7:10Opening
7:10 – 7:30Game
7:30 – 7:45Activity Demo / Game
7:45 – 8:15Boomerang or other Activity
8:15 – 8:25Game
8:25 – 8:30Closing

Boomerang Activity Schedule

Week 1Handcraft
Water Bomb
Week 2Safety
Bronze:Home & Road Safety
Silver:Water Safety
Gold:Safety in the Bush
Week 3Bicycle Maintenance
Weekend ActivityBicycle Hike
Week 4Physical Development
Bronze:Feats of Skill
Silver:Physical Development
Week 5Promise & Law
Finger Do-Dah
Week 6Discovery (Colour & Sound)
Bronze:Colour Mixing
Silver:Colour Wheel
Gold:Rubber Band Harp
Week 7Outdoor Scouting
Gold:Map Reading (Scale & Contour)
Week 8Games Night
Week 9Construction & Teamwork
Straw Towers
Week 10State Emblems
State Emblem Activity
Holiday Project
Growing Seeds
Week 11Games Night
Weekend PracticalSafety/Scouting
Bronze:Safety with fire/Outing
Silver:Fire Lighting/Cook Damper/Twist
Week 12Handcraft (Mothers' Day)
Five Ring Mat
Week 13Knotting & Construction
Bronze:Reef Knot
Hank & Coil a Rope
Wrap & Tie up a Present
Silver:Bowline & Sheet Bend
Gold:Clove Hitch & Lashings
Tripod Construction
Week 14Codes & Signalling
Bronze:Code Wheel
Silver:Maritime Signal Flags
Gold:Morse Sender
Week 15Promise & Law
Promise & Law Cards
Australian Flag Quiz
Week 16Games Night
Week 17Discovery
The Composition of Air
Week 18Discovery
Air Pressure & Movement
Hot Air Ballon
Week 19Flight
Flight Achievement Badge
Week 20Games Night
Week 21Discovery (Estimating–1)
Personal Measurement
Week 22Knotting
Revise Knots / Knotting Game
Week 23Your Community
Visit to Prime Television Studios
Week 24Outdoor Scouting
Compass Usage
The Compass Rose
Reading a Bearing
Week 25Outdoor Scouting
Map Reading
Road Maps
Contour Maps
Week 26Games Night
Week 27Handcraft
Knotting Handcraft
Key-Ring Adornment
4-Way Plait Bookmark
Week 28Safety
Bronze:Home & Road Safety
Silver:Water Safety
Gold:Safety in the Bush
Week 29Emergencies
Bronze:Delivering a Message
Handling Emergency Situations
Part 1
Weekend PracticalSafety/Scouting
Bronze:Safety with fire/Outing
Silver:Fire Lighting/Cook Damper/Twist
Week 30Games Night
Handling Emergency Situations
Part 2
Week 31Flag & Emblems
Bronze:Australian Flag
Silver:NSW State Emblems
Gold:Scoutcraft - Tripod Construction
Week 32Cleanliness/Health Rules
Silver:Health Rules
Gold:Scoutcraft - Wigan Flagstaff Construction
Week 33Construction & Teamwork
Straw Towers
Week 34Games Night
Week 35Our Environment
Nature Alphabet Scavenger Hunt
Rubbish & Recycling
Week 36Outdoor Scouting
Map Reading
Road Maps
Map Reading (Scale & Contour)
Week 37Discovery/Handcraft
Balloon-Powered Hovercraft
Week 38Promise & Law
Promise & Law Poster / Thank You List
Promise & Law Word Search
Week 39Promise & Law
Promise & Law Banner
Law Spinner
Week 40Games Night
Christmas Handcraft