Measurement and Estimation
I ran this program each year to help my Cubs see how their bodies were changing. I collected their measurement sheets at the end of the activity, collated all the data in a spreadsheet, then returned the sheets to the Cubs the following week, so that they could keep them for a personal record if they wished. Each year I would print off the spreadsheet and show the Cubs how they had grown in the last 12 months, and what impact this had on their ability to estimate using their bodies as a guide.
In running the program, I brought along different kinds of measuring instruments; a ruler, a 5m metal tape measure, a 60m tape measure, and a surveyor's staff. I pinned up measuring charts (just the section that was needed to measure the height of the Cubs) around the hall, and measured out 10m on the floor for them to estimate their step length. The Cubs then used the appropriate measuring instruments to measure their fingers, hands, feet etc. and fill out the Personal Measurement sheets.
This activity usually filled two programs.